Friday, April 5, 2013

The last couple of months have been unbelievably full, with the return of students, the end of basketball season for my son, a business trip to Dallas, and, of course, the "big move!"

Unfortunately, I have had the opportunity to make more sympathy and get well (from a serious illness/surgery) cards already this year than I do most years! Fortunately I've also gotten some birthday and thank you cards out, as well! I already posted the silver lining card I made for my Dean, but here are some of the other cards I've managed to squeeze in:

A dear friend lost her father in January

An administrator at my son's school suffered a massive stroke -- this card is appropriate because he is known for being FUN!
The screenprint background on the butterflies really tie this card together
A quick thank you for our realtor on the day of closing
Happy birthday to my cousin -- I love the versatility of the marvelous marigolds set!
Washi tape madness for a friend far away!
Thanks for letting me share my recent projects -- seeing them again makes me eager to finish unpacking the craft room. I've already found some really great things that I'd forgotten about -- I wonder what else is in those boxes?!

Happy stamping!

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